Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Top 10 Beer List: As of April 2013

Spring is upon us in Colorado.  Of course this means a mix of 70 degree days and snowstorms. While some find this quite annoying, I find it quite enjoyable.  Since my beer choices are typically related to the temperature outside, it gives me the opportunity to really mix it up.  When it snows, I tend towards darker beer and when its sunny I prefer the lighter side of life - err beer.

In an update to this post back in February, I give you my latest Top Ten Beer list.  Note that seasonal beers that are not currently available have dropped off the list by default and not because I don't love them.

#10 Crazy Mountain Brewery - Cara de Luna (Link)
     This beer is falling on my list simply because I can't find it and am beginning to forget what it tastes like. I have been searching high and low for this dark, but light bodied beer for a few months now.  With warm weather returning to the area, I am really hoping to have some of this on hand.  We have a trip to Aspen scheduled for early summer, so a trip to Crazy Mountain Brewery is in the works!

#9 Stone Brewing - Stone Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale (Link)
     In a previous post, I had mentioned that while I love a hoppy beer, I prefer not to be punched in the face while drinking it.  Coming in at 90 IBUs, Stone's Self-Righteous Ale has officially become the upper limit to what I can handle.  In fact, I am pretty sure it punched me when I wasn't paying attention.  This beer really is a border line sensory overload to me, but I couldn't help but enjoy it.  It was surprisingly smooth and flavorful for such a bitter beer.  If I were Stone, I would be proud of it... though given its name, I have a feeling they are.

#8 Wyncoop Brewing company - Rail Yard (Link)
     As a fan of Oktoberfest style beers, Rail Yard really hit the spot.  It was 68 degrees outside when I got my hand on this and it really made my day.  Rail Yard is light and tasty and Ill have to make a point to get down to Denver to have one straight from the tap.  Hopefully they still make those tasty crab cakes.

#7 Rogue Brewery - Mocha Porter (Link)
    Rogue's Mocha porter is a similar to its Chocolate Stout, but I find it to be a bit easier to drink when I plan on having more than one. As we move away from winter and into Spring, I tend to move from Stouts to Porters.  This will be commonplace in the refrigerator for most of the Spring.

#6 New Belgium Brewery - Sunshine Wheat (Link)
     Anytime temperature reach 75 degrees or higher, I instantly begin to crave Sunshine Wheat. Interestingly enough, I have learned that this beer is quite polarizing around these parts.  People either love it or hate it.  I am not sure why and to be honest, could really care less.   I keep it stocked at all times as it is my go to light beer of choice.

#5 New Belgium Brewery - 1554 (Link)
     To date I continue to rave about this beer.  My father recently visited from Vegas and has a habit of ordering whatever I do.  One evening at dinner, he got his first taste of 1554. Rumor has it that he went looking for it when he got home.  One of the tastier beers on the market, 1554 continues to be a favorite of mine since I discovered it 4 years ago.  I said this in my first Top 10 list and its worth repeating: One of the most unique beer drinking experiences you can have is the following:  Inhale, take a swig of 1554, then exhale through your nose.  I'm not kidding.

#4  Prost Brewing - Tivoli Beer Company - Helles Lager (Link)
     Im not going to go into the historic significance of this beer other than to point you to this article.  With that said, I will admit that part of the reason I enjoy this beer so much is because of its history.  Having spent some time working for Metro State College in Denver, I had the opportunity to walk in building where this used to be brewed on a daily basis. The rest of the reason its on my list is because its down right tasty and a great warm weather beer.  I had it first at Lucky Pie in Louisville, Colorado while sitting on their deck in 72 degree weather.  It was a great compliment to the spicy Nepolitana (sp?) pizza I had for lunch.

#3 Fort Collins Brewery - Chocolate Stout (Link)
     Moving right up my Top Ten list is Fort Collins Brewery's Chocolate Stout.  I began to keep it on hand over the winter and found myself choosing it over many of my other favorite beers.  Its a great beer to have with just about any food, it goes down easy, and the bottom line is that it tastes fantastic. The bonus on this beer is that I keep finding it at many of my favorite restaurants.  Always a plus.

#2 Rogue Brewery  - Chocolate Stout (69 IBU) (Link)
     My former #1 beer has been moved down a notch.  This isn't to say there is anything wrong with it in the least.  As a huge fan of dark, hoppy beers, this chocolate stout continues to be one of my personal favorites.  It doesn't hurt that it comes in 22 oz; a perfect amount for a rough day. The only reason it isn't in the fridge right now is because I keep drinking them and don't get to the store often enough to restock.

#1 Elevation Beer Co - Little Mo' Porter (Link)
     Out of nowhere, Elevation's Little Mo' Porter has moved to #1 on my beer list.  There is a simple reason for this:  Its one of the best beers I have tasted in recent memory.  Its dark and smooth, with enough hoppiness to keep it interesting. It doesn't hurt that I love Porter's in the springtime. I had for the first time as part of a beer sampler and quickly ordered a full glass.  It was one of those beers that I had to have again the next day, so I went against my typical stance on not eating at the same place twice in one week and headed back to Lucky Pie to get my hands on it.

Bonus mentions:

I still have Paulaner's Oktoberfest-Märzen in the fridge.  I just ran out of room on this list.

I have still not gotten my hands on Russian River's Pliny the Younger.  Working on it.

If I had it my way, I would start a petition to have Odell make their Mountain Standard year round.  Just saying.

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